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How I Wrote A Novel

The truth is, writing is like a muscle, and you just have to keep doing it to get stronger at it. Ask questions, ask lots of questions, embrace the what-ifs because that is what leads to creativity.

This is For The Campaign

I still feel like I haven’t processed the November election fully. It was full of so much for me. So many wins …

Self Care For Activists:

1.) Therapy is good. Go to therapy. 2.) Talking about therapy is also good. 3.) Take your medication. TAKE. YOUR. MEDICATION. 4.) …

My Response to #MeToo

Over the past week, the internet has blown up with the #metoo campaign, in which sexual assault/harassment survivors have been called upon …

How To Be A Good Ally

I spent a week this summer in Washington DC at the ACLU summer advocacy institute. This was a program in which high …