To All of the People Who Are In Pain
To all of the people who are in pain
My heart breaks with yours
I am just as appalled
Just as disgusted
And just as scared as you are right now
To all of the people who are in pain
Who fear that dreadful day in january when the devil becomes our president
I will hold your hand
I have cried and will keep crying with you
This is like the worst breakup you will ever go through in your life
Except it’s bigger than you
It feels like the whole world hurts right now.
To all of the people who are in pain
Your feelings are valid
Do not let anyone ever tell you to get over it
That nothing bad will happen from this
Don’t listen to them
Because they are not the targets of Trump’s hate
They are not the victims of his rhetoric and his plans for presidency
You are
And it looks bleak.
To all of the people who are in pain
I love you
I love you and support you no matter what
Wednesday’s results may have been a slap in the face
But please don’t let that convince you that you don’t matter
Because you are so important.
To all of the people who are in pain
I will fight for you
I will fight for you until I drop dead
Until I have nothing left
Because Trump may have won the presidency
But he has not defeated us
He will never defeat us
Because hate can never win
The love that you feel is the most powerful weapon in the world.
Use your voice
I will listen to you
Fight for your rights
I’ll fight with you
Change will come.
The anger that you feel
The pain in your heart
Trump has used it for evil
Let us use it for good.
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